Chatham Rock Phosphate (CRP) attends farmers’ seminar
/30 June 2016
Chatham Rock Phosphate (CRP) attends farmers’ seminar
As advised in earlier shareholder communications, CRP is committed to supporting the development of more sustainable and resilient farming practices in New Zealand.
To learn more about the issues facing farmers and the farming sector CRP's executive team attended a seminar on how changes to fertiliser application and pasture management can improve a farm’s resilience, environmental footprint and financial performance, and the changing requirements to document farming practices and their environmental impacts.
The seminar was in Hastings and was hosted by Abron and the Hawkes Bay Regional Council.
Abron has been established for nearly a decade, operates throughout much of New Zealand and offers a fertiliser system designed to result in increased pasture and crop yields, healthier soils, and reduced environmental impacts.
CRP is becoming actively involved, both in New Zealand and overseas, in the sourcing and marketing of fertiliser products, most notably rock phosphate intended for direct application. This clearly involves building relationships with both the ultimate users (the farmers) and with distributors/supplier and manufacturers of these products.
This strategy is being implemented now, preceding the development of our Chatham Rise rock phosphate deposit, and using our existing in-house expertise, because there is a clear and increasing demand for more environmentally sensitive fertiliser products.
Kind regards,
Chris Castle
Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited