Consultations with Maori, environmental and industry stakeholders
CRP is consulting with stakeholders (including Maori, environmental, industry and scientific groups) as part of a comprehensive programme of talking and listening.
We are working closely with groups and individuals to better understand their views and provide for those views where appropriate. We are building relationships and establishing initiatives that are of mutual benefit. For example, we envisage our project will include the sharing of new scientific research, much of which will be of benefit to all New Zealanders.
CRP wishes to be known and respected as an environmentally responsible seabed resource extraction company. We are acutely aware of our duty to protect the environment as much as possible, while developing New Zealand’s natural resources.
CRP has always supported the need for defined and comprehensive safeguards for environmental management; it is part of our ethos as a responsible corporate citizen. We aim to achieve sustainable development, while continuing to safeguard the environment.
Our policy is that we will remove phosphate nodules from only that area of seabed required, in a manner cognisant of the potential environmental issues surrounding the proposed activity, and able to rapidly adapt to any monitoring results and information that might demonstrate that things are “not going to plan”.
We have prepared a range of likely questions and answers, of general interest and covering those of interest to environmental and Maori groups.