Allotment of Shares and Options
/9 September 2013
Rock Phosphate Limited (NZX: CRP) advises that it has today undertaken
placements at $0.30 per share and issued further CRPOB options.
CRP is presently undertaking a private capital raising offer to qualified investors which has the following key features:
- CRP agrees an amount of shares to be subscribed for by an investor in aggregate.
- Half of the shares are subscribed for at an issue price of $0.30 per share (Tranche One).
- The investor commits to subscribing for the balance of the shares at $0.35 per share within 2 weeks of the Company being granted a mining licence in respect of its Chatham Rise phosphorites project (Tranche Two).
- For every two shares subscribed for under Tranche One and Tranche Two, one option (CRPOB) is also allotted to the investor.
CRP is pleased to advise that it has entered investment agreements with qualified investors whereby a total of approximately $900,000 in new capital has been committed under this offering structure. As a result CRP is today allotting the Tranche One component of this amount representing approximately $400,000 in new capital.
Chris Castle
Chief Executive Officer
Class of security: Ordinary shares
Options (CRPOB)
Number issued: 1,364,008 ordinary shares
682,004 options
Issue price: $0.30 per ordinary share
Payment in cash: Yes
Fully paid: Yes
Percentage of class: 0.97% of shares
45.44% of options
Purpose of the issue: For working capital purposes towards permitting of the Chatham Rise phosphorites project
Authority for the issue: Board resolutions
Date of issue: 9 September 2013
Total number of securities on issue
following allotments: 141,633,184 ordinary shares
2,182,938 options